Rituals by Moonlight: Moon Bathing


Photo by Baraa Jalahej 

 Moon Bathing

In addition to cleansing our bodies, cleansing our psyches is an important part of self-care.  Moon bathing is a simple, yet relaxing, soul-cleansing, mind-clearing ritual useful at any phase of the Moon, but is said to be most powerful during the Full Moon, when her purifying energy is at its highest.

Moonlight or water?  You do what you prefer and what feels comfortable.  If you're lucky enough to live in a warmer climate year-round, bathing in the Moon's light, outside, feeling truly connected to the Earth below your feet and the wondrous stars above, can bring an immense sense of peace.  If your luck runs higher and you live near a body of water, a dip in the ocean, river, or lake (even the pool!), can be enormously healing and fulfilling.  For everyone else, take advantage of those warmer evenings in summer and fall.  No natural water?  Use the nearest tub.


Moon Bath Ritual By Moonlight

 Prepare a spot in your yard, or a park, porch or balcony--even near a window; any darkened place you feel safe, connected to Nature, and can touch the Moon's light.  Create an altar or offering nearby, if desired, using favorite items such as crystals, candles, incense, photos or other special objects that relate to your intentions that month and that you'd like to cleanse with the Moon's energy.  (Be sure to bring proper holders for any burning objects, along with water and/or a fire extinguishing product when using flames outdoors.)

Comfortably stand or sit under the Moon's most powerful light, close your eyes and feel your hands (if sitting) and feet firmly planted to the ground.  Breathe.  Deeply in.  Slowly out.  Again.  Focus your thoughts on filling your body with the Moon's light and energy on every breath in.  With every breath out, feel the energy of your breath and assess the results of your actions this past month.  What new insights do they reveal?

Text from:

 Moon Magic: A Handbook of Lunar Cycles, Lore and Mystical Energies by Aurore Kane, 2020.



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